Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Raleigh Divorce Information from Marshall & Taylor PLLC Blog

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Social Security Spousal Benefits After Divorce

Social Security spousal benefits play a significant role in ensuring financial stability for married couples during retirement. Understanding these benefits can help you maximize your retirement income and secure a better future for you and your spouse. This article will explore Social Security spousal benefits, how they work, and how divorce can impact your eligibility. […]

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Negotiate Divorce Settlement With Your Spouse

From the moment you decide to file for a divorce to the moment your spouse serves you with divorce papers, you begin a journey that will be full of emotional and legal challenges. From a legal standpoint, your work will not be complete until you have negotiated an official divorce settlement. Known as a Marital […]

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Filing for Divorce in the Military

Divorce is universally recognized as a difficult and emotionally challenging process, laden with challenges and uncertainties. However, when either you or your spouse serves in the military, navigating the dissolution of marriage takes on an added layer of intricacy. Military divorces involve distinct legal considerations and hurdles not typically encountered in civilian separations. So, how […]

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Negotiating a Settlement Out of Court

Going through a divorce is never easy. But amidst the emotional turmoil, tackling the legalities before a judge adds another layer of stress, expense, and, in some cases, animosity. The good news is that many couples successfully negotiate a divorce settlement out of court. By agreeing to work together for a mutually beneficial outcome, you […]

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How Long Does a Contested Divorce Take in North Carolina?

Going through a divorce is an experience that can often be painful and stressful. Unfortunately, many marriages in America end in divorce, causing uncertainty and anxiety while the divorce is ongoing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there were at least 630,505 divorces and annulments in the U.S. in 2020. You […]

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What You Need to Know About Your Divorce Consultation with Your Attorney

No one who ever gets married believes that they will one day get divorced. A marriage that ends in divorce can be very painful. And it’s challenging to decide what attorney should help you through the upcoming difficult period in your life. During your first meeting with , you can expect a welcoming environment. We […]

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Will My CPA Need to Share Information with My Divorce Attorney?

One of the first things that your divorce attorney will likely ask you for is your financial information. This includes your bank account statements, credit card statements, and mortgage documents. In fact, they want to see anything that represents a debt, liability, or an asset to your financial health. Some couples have shared their financial […]

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How to Know I Picked the Right Divorce Attorney

If you are considering a divorce or already facing one, you need an attorney who will stand by your side through these next several weeks, months, or years with legally sound advice, wise counsel, and compassionate advocacy. How do you find the right one? Based on our years of experience representing clients in Raleigh, North […]

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Do I Need a New Financial Planner After My Divorce?

There are many pitfalls facing people after a divorce. One of them is how to manage the money transfer of assets from their joint state pre-divorce to separate accounts. Even in a modest division of property, items may need to be sold and bank accounts transferred. You may not know what to do with large […]

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The Difference Between an Annulment and a Divorce

If you want to legally end your marriage in the state of North Carolina, you have two options: divorce and annulment. Both processes terminate the legal relationship and allow you to marry again if you would like. Furthermore, in North Carolina, the couple must have been separated for a year or more, with the separation […]

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