Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Raleigh Child Custody Information for Marshall & Taylor PLLC Blog

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3 Types of Custody

There is no one-size-fits-all type of custody arrangement. With that in mind, the courts have devised a system that breaks down child custody law in different kinds. The court then evaluates the child’s best interests and initiates a custody arrangement that best meets the child’s physical, social, and emotional needs. What are the 3 types […]

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How to Get an Emergency Custody Order

You would do anything to protect your child, but what about when you need to protect them from another parent or family member? It is frightening to think that a parent or guardian could be capable of harming their child. However, if you believe that your child is in danger while in the custody of […]

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Joint Custody Work Explained 

In many jurisdictions, courts prefer to settle on joint custody agreements because it helps children foster good relationships with their parents. When each parent gets actively involved in a child’s upbringing, that child tends to thrive physically, socially, and emotionally. Yet, what is a joint custody arrangement? While many people think the term is straightforward, […]

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Guide to Appointing a Legal Guardian

What should you know on how to appoint legal guardian in Raleigh? Because children lack the legal capacity to manage their affairs, they need a responsible adult to protect their health, welfare, and rights. Although a child’s parents typically fulfill this role, a child may not have parents willing or able to exercise their parental duties. […]

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Is It Hard to Get Full Custody in North Carolina?

Parents have the right to be involved in their child’s life through physical presence and the ability to make decisions for the child. Parental rights are fundamental, meaning terminating these rights is challenging and will only happen under specific circumstances. Types of Child Custody in North Carolina When determining child custody arrangements, the court considers […]

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Helping Your Child Cope with Relocation after Divorce

Divorce is never easy for anyone. As parents know, the end of a marriage can be particularly challenging for kids. The parent with physical custody of the child may start their new life by moving to a new house. Alternatively, the parent without custody might move out and attempt to set up a new home […]

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The Five Best Strategies for Co-Parenting During the Holidays

Few gobble up the magic of December like children, and as parents, we want to enjoy as much time with them as we can during the holidays. After a child custody battle or divorce, a couple must change their typical holiday routine. However, with clear communication and focus, you can co-parent successfully and mitigate some […]

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What Happens If My Ex Moves Out of the Country With Our Kids?

When you share custody of your children with your ex, it can be devastating to learn that they have all relocated to a different country. Suddenly, you are dealing with an international child custody case. If this move has occurred without your knowledge, your spouse has made a unilateral decision that affects everyone involved. In […]

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How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Custody?

Sadly, many American children still witness domestic violence between parents, and instances of interparental violence can lead to child abuse. The occurrence of domestic violence in a relationship, or even an accusation of domestic violence, will affect the outcome of a child custody matter. Domestic Violence and the Child’s Best Interest Whether the parents resolve […]

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Can My Child Choose Which Parent They Want to Live with in NC?

If a child’s parents divorce, they may prefer to live with one parent over the other. In North Carolina, children can tell a court their wishes about which parent should have custody. However, courts must act in the child’s best interest, even if that interest goes against the child’s wishes. In this post, we’ll explain […]

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