(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders Lawyer in Raleigh

Contact Us Today

Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders Lawyer in Raleigh Image

If you have been the victim of domestic violence in Raleigh, you do not have to remain in an abusive and dangerous relationship. The domestic violence attorneys of Marshall & Taylor PLLC have helped countless individuals separate themselves and their children from an abusive family member, and we have also assisted them with obtaining restraining orders they need to feel safe and protected from their abuser.

In any type of relationship, but especially with couples, some disagreements and arguments can escalate to dangerous levels at times. At Marshall & Taylor PLLC we understand that any type of domestic violence can pose a threat to the well-being of the victim or victims. Our Raleigh firm takes these cases very seriously and we understand that a restraining order may be needed to ensure the safety of all those involved.

Due to the nature of domestic violence, trying to avoid it can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, you do not have to handle this issue alone. Our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team can provide the guidance that you seek and assist you in obtaining a restraining order and other legal protections that you need to ensure that your life is free from domestic violence.

When someone is abused and injured through domestic violence, it becomes apparent that both medical care and legal advice should be sought as soon as possible. Additionally, if the abused victim has children, then it must be determined whether the children are protected and safe if they are staying within the home of the alleged abuser.

Our Raleigh domestic violence and restraining order attorneys know how to deal with these types of cases with the utmost of care and compassion. We understand how stressful relationships can get and we want to prevent any conflicts from escalating further. For you and your family’s emotional and physical well-being, please contact Marshall & Taylor PLLC, as effective legal representation is necessary to ensure that your rights and needs are protected, as well as those of any children.

Our skilled team has experience with domestic violence and restraining orders cases, and we can certainly help you too. We have the case law knowledge and the track record that it takes to successfully resolve your case while keeping you and your family safe and secure. So that our team can assist you, please complete our online form, chat live, or contact a Raleigh domestic violence and restraining order attorney today at (919) 833-1040. A qualified member of our professional staff will discuss your legal rights and options so that your safety can be ensured, and your concerns can be successfully resolved.

Table Of Contents

    Do I Need An Attorney?

    If you are experiencing any marital conflict or domestic concerns that have escalated to domestic violence, you need a domestic violence and restraining order attorney that can assist you in securing your safety and the safety of others in the home. You may need answers to your questions as soon as possible, and having an attorney that you can count on during this time of distress and uncertainty is crucial. You do not have to go through this difficult time alone, as a qualified attorney can assist you with all legal matters related to the abuser. At Marshall & Taylor PLLC, we have the track record of working with similar cases, and we can handle your paperwork, phone calls, and negotiation so that your safety is ensured. Your well-being is our primary concern.

    Why Choose Marshall & Taylor PLLC?

    Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders Lawyer in RaleighAt Marshall & Taylor PLLC, our aggressive Raleigh domestic violence and restraining order attorneys understand that these types of cases may not be resolved easily. Our skilled team understands the value of diplomacy and mediation. If those approaches do not work, we are more than willing to defend you and your loved one’s safety to the full extent of the law. You may need to get a restraining order immediately, and our legal team understands that your safety may be in jeopardy. Choosing the right attorney is crucial and may determine the outcome of your case.

    Jeffrey Marshall and Travis Taylor serve clients in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the surrounding Wake County area. Mr. Marshall is board certified in family law, and the firm’s experience and track record speak for itself. Marshall & Taylor PLLC has the experience needed to take on tough domestic violence cases. We value clear, open, and honest communication with the people that we serve. Contact us at (919) 833-1040 so that we can help you get out of this situation and move on with your life.

    Cases We Handle

    If you have been the victim of domestic violence, it is extremely important to seek medical care and legal counsel as soon as possible. Furthermore, understanding what your rights and options are when it comes to escaping a violent relationship is often difficult, especially if children or others are involved. Fortunately, a skilled legal professional can assist you with the following legal matters:

    Domestic Violence

    According to the U.S. Department of Justice and womensadvocates.org: “Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound someone. Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, economic class, immigration status, religion, or gender. It can happen to couples that are married, living together, or who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.” It occurs in opposite and same-sex relationships and can occur in intimate partners who are married, living together, or dating.

    Domestic abuse comes in several different forms, not just physical abuse. Abuse within an intimate relationship can include:

    • Verbal abuse– While it doesn’t necessarily manifest visually, verbal abuse can be just as damaging to a person as physical abuse. Verbal abuse is more difficult to define, but it often takes on forms in name-calling, constant beratement, or belittlement. People who have been verbally abused may have been manipulated into believing the abuse was their fault. This is not true, but it can be difficult to recover quickly from verbal abuse all the same, due to the lasting effects it has on someone’s confidence and mental health.
    • Physical abuse – Physical abuse is what is commonly thought of when the term “domestic abuse” is mentioned because it can often result in injuries in the person being abused. Physical abuse is when someone uses force to intimidate, shame, or cause pain to another person.
    • Emotional abuse – Like other forms of abuse, emotional abuse occurs when someone creates or takes control of a power imbalance, causing psychological damage to another person. Emotional abuse may be manipulative and deceitful, and may accompany things like sexual assault, physical or verbal abuse, or threats. Emotional abuse can be a part of spousal abuse, child abuse, or even abuse of the elderly, People who are emotionally abusive thrive off power, and will do what they can to maintain their power over other people.

    The Department of Justice also reports that domestic violence not only affects those who are abused, but also family members, friends, co-workers, and others. Children can be seriously affected violence in the home, especially if they grew up witnessing the abuse. Furthermore, any frequent exposure not only predisposes children to other social and physical problems, but also teaches them that violence is a normal way of life. This can increase their risk of becoming society’s next generation of victims and abusers.

    Restraining Orders

    A restraining order or protective order is a legal order issued by a state court that requires one person to stop harming another. In North Carolina, there are domestic violence protective orders and two types of civil no-contact orders. A domestic violence protective order is a civil order that provides protection from someone with whom you have (or previously had) a personal relationship. In North Carolina, the order is referred to as the domestic violence protective order.

    Since the legal system is divided into two areas of civil and criminal law, separate courts control these two areas of law. In domestic violence situations, both civil and criminal cases can occur at the same time from the same violent act. In a civil action, you are asking the court to protect you from the abuser, but you are not asking the court to send the abuser to jail. If the abuser violates the civil court order, he or she can be sent to jail. The criminal law system then handles all cases that involve harassment, assault, murder, or theft, among others. It is the county/state who has brought the case against the abuser, not the victim. It is also possible that if the victim doesn’t want the case to continue or doesn’t wish to ‘press charges’, the prosecutor might decide to drop the criminal charges, but this is not necessarily true. If any relationship escalates to domestic violence, or worse, both civil or criminal courts can certainly be involved in domestic violence cases.

    Filing for a restraining order in Raleigh is a serious matter. Restraining orders are usually needed in cases in which your safety is threatened. Some of the reasons to file for a restraining order include:

    • Stalking
    • Harassment
    • Domestic abuse
    • Threats

    A skilled Raleigh attorney can help you when you are dealing with domestic violence and are needing a restraining order. No one should be subjected to violence and mistreatment in their marriage or family, and at Marshall & Taylor PLLC, we will go the extra mile to be sure that you and your children are safe and protected from the abuser. Without proper legal representation, mistakes can be made that could further complicate your case. Contact our legal team by completing our online form, chat live, or contact us at (919) 833-1040 so that we can sit down with you and address your immediate and future concerns.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you are considering hiring an attorney to help you with a domestic violence case, you may have questions and concerns that you need to be addressed as soon as possible. For your convenience, we have listed a few of the most commonly asked questions and the corresponding answers. However, feel free to contact us at if you have concerns that are not addressed here:

    What is a restraining order?

    A restraining order is a court-mandated protection for those who are being harassed, stalked, or continually bothered by someone. The terms of a restraining order can vary but generally stipulate that the person whom the restraining order was filed against may not call, email, or communicate within any other way the person who filed the restraining order. In addition, the abuser must stay a certain distance away from the person should they have to be in the same place. To file a restraining order, you may wish to seek the guidance of a lawyer who can help you through the process.

    How long does a restraining order last?

    A restraining order’s length depends on the determination of the court. If you think that you are in danger, the court may issue a temporary restraining order in as little as 24 hours without having to notify the defendant. There is usually a hearing at a later date to extend the restraining order if necessary, usually within 15 days of the incident. Restraining orders usually last for at least one year, and they require an official court order to be extended beyond the one-year time period.

    Is domestic violence considered to be a civil or criminal offense?

    In North Carolina, domestic violence victims of are protected by both civil and criminal laws. Domestic violence can be physical, emotional, sexual, or financial. Additionally, certain types of harassment or emotional abuse can happen through all types of communication – including written, telephone, fax, e-mail, or voicemail. It is best to seek legal representation and discuss the specific details of your personal case with an attorney.

    North Carolina – Domestic Violence Statistics

    The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) describes domestic violence as the “willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another”. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotional abuse, with the frequency and severity of domestic violence varying significantly. Other North Carolina statistics from NCADV are listed below:

    • In 2013, there were 108 domestic violence-related homicides in North Carolina.
    • In 2013, around two people died per week from domestic violence.
    • In North Carolina in 2013, more than 75 percent of the perpetrators of domestic violence-related homicides were male. This is consistent with national data that show males are often the perpetrators of serious cases of domestic violence.
    • In 2014, 1,678 victims were served in a single day in North Carolina.
    • In 2014, 860 domestic violence victims (432 children and 428 adults) found refuge in emergency shelters or transitional housing provided by local domestic violence programs.
    • In a 24-hour survey period in 2014 in North Carolina, local and state hotlines answered 637 calls, averaging more than 26 hotline calls every hour.

    Did You Know?

    • One in three women and one in four men have experienced violence of some form at the hands of a domestic partner
    • Domestic violence hotlines get 15 calls every minute on average, for a total of 21,000 calls per day.
    • 15% of violent crime is caused by domestic violence.
    • The risk of homicide increases by 500% if the family has a gun in the home.

    At Marshall & Taylor PLLC, we understand the complexities and complications of domestic violence and restraining orders. We are on your side and we sincerely want to assist you in resolving your domestic violence concerns. Your safety and the safety of your loved ones are our utmost concern.

    Contact A Raleigh Domestic Violence Lawyer Today

    Marshall & Taylor PLLC takes price in putting our clients first, and we have the resources and experience to provide you with fair and honest representation, while looking out for the safety of you and your loved ones. If you have been the victim of domestic violence and wish to pursue a restraining order, we know how your overall health can be affected by your domestic violence issues. Our team is fully prepared to help you in all matters related to domestic violence and restraining orders. Don’t delay – complete our online form, chat live, or contact us at (919) 833-1040 and a knowledgeable team member will be happy to consult with you regarding your specific case.