(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Firms advocating for fathers in child custody cases increasing

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In general, America sees a pattern of women receiving better deals in custody battles than their estranged spouses. There are many cases of a judge presiding over a child custody litigation found in favor of the mother because our society still views women as the natural caretakers of children.

In recent years, the emergence of law firms that cater to men during divorce proceedings has increased. However, the existence of such law firms is controversial, with critics saying that such law firms are not pushing for equal rights between the sexes but instead propagating sexist stereotypes against women. Recent census data show that 82% of mothers have primary custody of their children and 53% of them collect child support, compared to 29% of men. Also, a recent survey from Pew Research Center showed that women spend twice as much time with their children than their husbands.

If you and your spouse are going through a family legal issue that could affect the welfare of your children, get in touch with our attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC by calling our offices today at (919) 833-1040.