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Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Couple incites online anger after post advertising for adoption

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Jackson County residents Coy and Shelbi Gunther posted a Facebook status asking the public if there were any unwanted babies they could adopt, the Sylva Herald reported on July 29.

This resulted in a backlash for the couple, as people commented with insults and outrage. The post offended the public, who generally thought the couple should have pursued adoption through an agency if they were truly serious about it.

According to Jackson County Social Services director Bob Cochran, posting an ad online to look for a baby to adopt is not illegal, but is also not the best option. The Gunthers would not know about the baby’s medical background and other information about the biological parents.

Adoption is a life-changing process that can grant a couple the opportunity to raise a child as their own. If you are considering adoption, the attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC can guide you through your options and finalize the legal documents. Call our Raleigh offices at (919) 833-1040 today to speak with a knowledgeable representative.