(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Getting divorced in some states is extremely difficult

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In the United States, getting divorced in some states can be an extremely lengthy and taxing process for couples who want to move on with their lives, Newsweek reported on May 17.

Some states, including Oklahoma, Arizona and Utah, require divorcing couples with children to take parenting classes. Others mandate an extensive period of separation prior to filing for divorce. In Arkansas, this period is 18 months. The standard processing time in this state once the couple has filed can also take up to 540 days–over a year and a half.

The attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC in Raleigh understand that the divorce process can be difficult and strenuous; this is why we work diligently on behalf of our clients for a smooth divorce, all while protecting their rights and interests. Call our offices at (919) 833-1040 today to discuss your particular situation and learn how our legal team can help you during this transitional period of your life.