(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Former Knicks point guard Raymond Felton to finalize divorce

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Thirty-year-old ex-New York Knicks basketball point guard Raymond Felton, who was traded to the Dallas Mavericks late last month, recently put the finishing touches on a divorce agreement with his 26-year-old wife Ariane Raymondo-Felton, the New York Daily News reported on July 3.

The divorce deal was outlined and agreed upon in the Manhattan Supreme Court, but the couple did not make these public, Raymondo-Felton’s lawyer William Beslow said. Although their prenuptial agreement mandated that divorce be undertaken through arbitration in North Carolina, a loophole allowed for a New York divorce if he cheated.

Aside from his divorce, Felton is in the process of finishing his criminal case. He agreed to plead guilty to a low-level felony of attempted possession of a weapon in order to receive no jail time.

The attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC understand the often complicated nature of divorce and can guide you smoothly through the legal process. If you are planning to divorce in Raleigh, contact our experienced and compassionate attorneys at (919) 833-1040 to discuss your situation.