Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Raleigh Divorce Blog

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What Happens If My Ex Moves Out of the Country With Our Kids?

When you share custody of your children with your ex, it can be devastating to learn that they have all relocated to a different country. Suddenly, you are dealing with an international child custody case. If this move has occurred without your knowledge, your spouse has made a unilateral decision that affects everyone involved. In […]

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How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Custody?

Sadly, many American children still witness domestic violence between parents, and instances of interparental violence can lead to child abuse. The occurrence of domestic violence in a relationship, or even an accusation of domestic violence, will affect the outcome of a child custody matter. Domestic Violence and the Child’s Best Interest Whether the parents resolve […]

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Can My Child Choose Which Parent They Want to Live with in NC?

If a child’s parents divorce, they may prefer to live with one parent over the other. In North Carolina, children can tell a court their wishes about which parent should have custody. However, courts must act in the child’s best interest, even if that interest goes against the child’s wishes. In this post, we’ll explain […]

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What You Need to Know About Your Sole Custody Case

Family law issues are often mentally and emotionally overwhelming. Child custody concerns often cause the most stress. In North Carolina, the court decides on child custody during a divorce. However, after a divorce, child custody can change when there is enough evidence to revisit the issue. Because the laws are complicated, you need the advice […]

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Will My CPA Need to Share Information with My Divorce Attorney?

One of the first things that your divorce attorney will likely ask you for is your financial information. This includes your bank account statements, credit card statements, and mortgage documents. In fact, they want to see anything that represents a debt, liability, or an asset to your financial health. Some couples have shared their financial […]

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How Can I Enforce My Visitation Rights?

The court granted you visitation rights with your children for a reason. The court found it to be in your child’s best interest to spend time with both of their parents. If your ex is repeatedly violating your right to see your children, you need to stand up for your and your children’s interests. In […]

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How to Know I Picked the Right Divorce Attorney

If you are considering a divorce or already facing one, you need an attorney who will stand by your side through these next several weeks, months, or years with legally sound advice, wise counsel, and compassionate advocacy. How do you find the right one? Based on our years of experience representing clients in Raleigh, North […]

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Do I Need a New Financial Planner After My Divorce?

There are many pitfalls facing people after a divorce. One of them is how to manage the money transfer of assets from their joint state pre-divorce to separate accounts. Even in a modest division of property, items may need to be sold and bank accounts transferred. You may not know what to do with large […]

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If I Have to Move for a Job, How Will That Affect My Visitation Agreement?

Relocating for a new job can be the best thing that ever happened. If you and your former spouse have a carefully negotiated custody agreement, it can also be the worst. What can you do when you must choose between the job of your dreams and the income that will give your child the life […]

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The Difference Between an Annulment and a Divorce

If you want to legally end your marriage in the state of North Carolina, you have two options: divorce and annulment. Both processes terminate the legal relationship and allow you to marry again if you would like. Furthermore, in North Carolina, the couple must have been separated for a year or more, with the separation […]

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