(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law

Adoption/marriage agency’s discrimination based on religious beliefs

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Michigan, like some other states, practice contradicting laws on religious freedom and the government’s mandate to equal and fair treatment of its citizens.

For instance, Michigan enacted a law in June 2015 that enables faith-based adoption agencies to refuse service to prospective adoptive parents on the basis of their religious or moral biases. The states of Virginia and North Dakota already have existing laws in place while Florida, Texas, and Alabama approved their own versions of the law this year.

For its part, North Carolina enacted into law in June a measure that enables magistrates, registers of deeds, and state officials from performing or putting into public record marriages which they deem are in violation of their religious beliefs.

If you reside in Raleigh or other areas in North Carolina and you have a family legal issue that you need legal help with, contact our attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC by calling our offices today at (919) 833-1040.