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The Effects of Remarriage on Your Child Custody Agreement

Naturally, many parents are very receptive to how their actions might affect their child custody arrangements. While the hope and eventual goal of divorce is to allow both parties to move on from a bad marriage and find love with someone who will be more compatible, the issue of moving on with another partner is a frequent cause for concern to individuals involved in precarious custody arrangements. However, remarrying might actually work in one’s favor.

Remarriage and Custody Agreements

Custody agreements are always based on the needs of the child. These arrangements are designed to take every detail into consideration so that the child ends up in the best care possible. Some of these details that may be considered by the judge are:

  • Any negative influences the new marriage may have on the child’s relationship to either parent,
  • Any potential danger the new marriage may place the child in, and
  • Any positive influences or impact the new marriage may have on the child.

Depending upon your and your former partner’s particular circumstances, a steady and stable relationship with a new partner may actually help you make a favorable revision to your custody agreement. Since every situation is unique, it’s best to seek advice from an attorney who has experience handling these types of cases.

Contact a Raleigh Divorce Attorney Today

If you have questions about your divorce, the Raleigh attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC may be able to assist you. Call our offices at (919) 833-1040 to discuss the particulars of your situation with a member of our legal team today.